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He had a really good time putting everything in to his pack-n-play, then getting in himself (with our help) and throwing everything out. Then he'd get out (with our help) and the game would begin again.
Out goes the blanket. Poor doggie got the boot first.
When Alan went to his workshop, Lex and I went exploring.
See the people on the roof.
I thought this was a neat mix of old and new.
There's us. See the camera reflection in our shades?
We went to a really neat mall for a bit. Here we stopped to have a snack (Cheerios and Zone bars)
This was a pretty cool fountain.
Lex was fascinated.
In the afternoon we ended up killing about 2 hours in the hotel after we checked out of our room and before Alan's workshop ended.
This is a great picture, but I wish his hand didn't come out so blurry.
The hotel hallways were lined with this rocky concrete stuff. It was cool to the touch and had a neat texture. Lex liked it a lot.
Catch me if you can!

Generated by JAlbum 6.3  |  Chameleon skin by LazaDezign  |