Joyce's Graduation - June 22, 2001

Laura, Angie, Joyce and Kylie at Al Fresco's in Oneonta.

Joyce walking in

All of the graduates

EJ giving her salutatorian(??) speech

More graduates

Joyce and some girls giving presents to some people

The handing over of the keys and banner to next years seniors. A very silly tradition in my opinion :)

EJ getting her awards

Joyce getting her awards

Angie getting her diploma

More of Joyce :)

And they're graduated!!!!

Joyce and her favorite sister! ;)

Even more of Joyce

Back home she's waiting so patiently for the chance to rip into that stack of presents sitting so temptingly nearby

Looking stylish in her new green jacket. That'll keep her warm in Mexico!

More presents...

Don't give me that look, young lady! Or is she showing off the stylish visor. For those of you not in the know, visors are all the rage these days.

Will Barney get to wear this hat for real some day?? We'll just have to wait and see.

And of course we have to end the evening with Barney's dirty face.

And even dirtier mouth!!

The next day we had breakfast at the Holiday Inn. I think we've done it enough to make it the official Colllier graduation breakfast :) Here is a very tired Joyce after a long night of partying.

Joyce - in desperate need of toast. (turned out to be crappy toast!)

Mom and Rosy laughing at something crazy going on.

Alan and I forming The daVincis Project. (kinda)